April 30, 2013

It takes a team

Today it took a team/ family to get me thru the day. I could not have made it without them. I woke this morning with a 10 on the pain scale. My husband woke me up to give me pain meds. (not that they worked much) The then got the baby up, and fed. I really struggle to describe to you what I can or cant do. My pain rules my day. I cant even put my own pants on.

Today we went and visited the doctor. They think my pain has to do with the sliced nerve endings in my chest. I was given some new pain meds to attempt to solve my pain problem. The doctor said that I dont really have many options left. So I left with one script for a new drug to try. So far it knocked my pain down to a 5. This is improvement! My sister in law was awesome enough to take me to the docs office, and help me with elliot. She also ran an errand for me this morning and got me a few tank tops to wear that didnt aggravate my stitches. She is amazing!

Eric had to go to work this afternoon. So Molly helped with my doctors visit, and my son. Later my mom, aunt and dad came by to help me put Elliot to bed. I cant lift him for 5 more weeks. Mom and Dad got the pleasure of bathing, and putting E in bed. Quite the sight I might add.

Before they left they made sure I was settled, and had taken my next pain pill. Im now curled up under my blanket, sipping my water, and getting sleepy. To get me here took a team of people. Amazing people that I cannot repay in any way. It amazes me to have such an awesome family. Im truly blessed.

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