April 15, 2013

Test Day!

Today was test day. I had Lab work, MRI, CT and Pet scans done today. I was poked a total of 4x. (ugh) Hey, I understand that nurses have bad days too. IV 1 didnt work, so had to get a second IV. YAY me. Todays tests took all day. I was so glad when my last test was over so I could finally go eat for the day.

Elliot just doesnt understand why I cant pick him up. Its the saddest thing ever. I have 24 hours of no baby contact due to me being radioactive. I can stay in the same room, just no holding the baby. Its hard not to cuddle the baby when hes reaching for you. Just something Im learning to have to deal with every 3 months.

So now we wait. I have 2 appointments tomorrow. 1 with my oncologist to read my test results, and another with a chest specialist to discuss my lung tumor. I feel like tonight will be a long night. Its like waiting on christmas day as a kid. That same butterfly feeling of the unknown. I have a feeling we wont be getting any sleep tonight.

I will update the blog tomorrow as soon as we know what the results are.

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