April 27, 2013

24 hours at home

Let me start off by saying my husband is an awesome 'nurse'.  He got me as comfy as we possibly could last night, and set alarms for my pain management. He woke up multiple times last night to ensure I was getting the medicine I needed in a timely fashion. (he still has the timers set during the day as well). Im still in pain, but he has managed to help keep it as in check as we possibly can. 

My shower felt amazing this morning! First shower they allowed me to have since surgery. It did require help as my range of motion is limited. The shampoo bottle is too heavy for one handed use, but we did pretty good. After a nice warm shower, Eric had to re-dress my surgical site. Im so glad hes not squeamish. It looks really good. I just know that some people wouldnt do well with it. Its a nice clean wound, and the stitches look great. 

I need help getting up and sitting down due to pulling of my stitches. So Ive been taking it slow. Im very sore, and still around a 7-8 on the pain scale. I still cant really talk well. The tube they put down my throat was different than a normal tube they do when they put a person under. This tube actually isolated each lung. Problem with that? It does more damage to your throat when they take it out. So Im still hoarse and cant talk very loud at all. I also cant talk loud as it hurts to try to force sound. (breathing etc) Ive also started coughing a lot more. This is normal, but hurts like hell. (sorry no better way to really put that). 

I dont really have any appetite. I think it has to do with the pain. Before we went to the hospital I started a vegan diet. There is too much info about how cutting meat and dairy benefited cancer patients. So I call it vegan-ish. Its a work in progress. We have been eating much much better on this. AND if it helps keep me healthier in the long run its a perk. In the hospital I was on a vegetarian diet. They had it all wrong though. Seems like you tell the hospital vegetarian, and they just slather everything in dairy and cheese. Ill tell you guys more about the diet situation later. (when Im not groggy on pain meds) 

Overall gist of my condition? Home, in pain but glad to be in familiar territory. Also glad to be out of a hospital gown and in my own clothes. 

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