April 23, 2013

Day before Surgery

Pre-op stuff is now done! They surprised us with a new surgery time. They moved it up by 2 hours!! Talk about an early morning. We get the pleasure of arriving at 5 am to get prepped. Good news on that part, no real time to get hungry, due to no food after midnight.

Pre-op was blood work, urine sample, and a arterial blood draw. I might add that the arterial blood draw hurts pretty good. As in, OUCHIE!!! They also 'tagged' me. I have a lovely red tag that I get to keep on until the end of my hospital stay. Its just in case I need blood or something.

After all the pre-op we had errands to run. I actually got most everything done I needed to! I wanted to make sure that elliot is taken care of (no stressors). I trust my family completely, just wanted to make it as easy on them as possible. So we went and got a bunch of baby foods he likes. (He normally just eats what we eat, but assume this will be easier. Having a bag of foods he loves on hand...seemed like a smart idea). I also got extra diapers etc. No need on worrying about going to the store for a while.

All thats left to do? Get the house picked up, laundry done, dishes etc. Chores are my way of de-stressing. So as much as I can get done today the better. Less time to think about impending surgery. Im more nervous about this surgery than my brain surgery. Seems crazy. I guess having more time to think about it doesnt help matters. Its goning to be a long 14 more hours......

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