April 2, 2013

Quick update

While Im feeling quite a bit better, the rest of the household is sick. Im not 100% yet myself, still cant really eat too much, but actually able to get up and do housework. Elliot is still sick. Poor guy isnt really any better. I was hoping this was a 24 hour deal for him.

My clingy baby boy is SUPER clingy when sick. He was attached to my leg just moments ago. He wants me to be within arms reach at all times. This is exhausting for me. Im attempting to clean up/ lysol the entire house whilst my baby screams because Im not within an inch of him. (yet Im in eyesight on the other side of the room) Keep in mind, my hubby is home as well. So he can be with Eric, but still requires mommy. Eric too is ill by the way.

Still counting down to my scans! April 15th is the day. Until then Im trying to keep busy. Right now just trying to get me and my family healthy. Then, I think some pampering is in order. Maybe a spa visit?? Theres a place locally that will give you a makeover/ show you how to do the new makeup styles etc. I thought about trying that. I also want to see oz. Now that I know its not a prison movie. (seriously thought it was about prison for some reason?? and totally missed my chance to go with my sister in law)

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