April 29, 2013


The pain is still present. I have nothing new to report. Im at a consistent 10 on the pain scale. My meds dont touch it. Eric added some benadryl to try to make me loopy enough to sleep. It works for an hour or so, then Im back to hurting, Its a constant stream of pain. Talking hurts, and still cant get very loud at all. I havent been able to eat anything. My appetite is gone due to hurting all the time. Ive never thought I was suck a whimp before. I wouldnt wish this on my worst enemy. 

I have no real strength. A sonic cup was too heavy for me to lift. (Eric has been trying to do anything to get me to eat or drink...including bribing me with my favorite foods) I feel like a human antenna. If I prop my arm up just so on a pillow, prop my other side up on another pillow and move my leg a certian way it just lessens the pain. Still hurts, just seems to not be as sharp. 

So this is what Ive come to.....starting at the clock for when I get a precious few moments of less pain. We will likely call the doc this morning to see about doing something. Maybe they can up my pain meds??

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