April 28, 2013

Elliot is 11 months old!

The phrase "it takes a village to  raise a child" hits close to home this week. We could not have made it thru this week without help from numerous family members to watch my little man, while Ive been in the hospital. My parents have also been watching him the past couple days so I can get some rest at home. Leave it to my little man to officially start walking the week momma's in the hospital. lol. He's now toddling everywhere! Hes come leaps and bounds in just a few days. Im going to struggle keeping up with him.

Other than walking we really dont have any new news to report this month. Here are a few of little mans favs-

Elliots loves-
Banana pudding
Banana yogurt
Cherrios- he will hold the yellow box while in the cart at the store
Push toys- if it has wheels he will push it all over the house
Monkey/bunny- its a sock monkey that has bunny ears. He cracks up when he sees it.
Ticklish baby! Very ticklish on his neck.
Too bush for diaper changes, now he runs away mid change.
Puppies- he is mesmerized by dogs. Will even help open the baby gate to let the dog in.
Has learned how to open drawers and put stuff in them. Will do this over and over and over...

I cant believe hes gotten so big. Im already planning his birthday party for in a few weeks. CRAZY.

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