May 1, 2013

Melanoma Awareness

May is Melanoma awareness moth! It always surprises me how many people dont realize the risk or seriousness of melanoma. I know that 'understanding' and living it are two different things. It just seems our society puts such a hold on being a tanned beauty, that people just think that "it wont happen to me". As for me? Im proud to be glow in the dark pale. Im not willing to risk the sun exposure for a tan.

Also along with the cancer that can result from melanoma, ther are the scars left. I joke that my docs play "slice and dice" with my skin. I all reality? They do! I have scars on my arms, and now my back looks like I lost a fight with a sharp object. It just blows my mind how people justify going tanning, and putting themselvs in harms way. So this month is awareness month. I hope that at least one person hears my story and thinks twice about keeping their skin healthy.

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