I have 5 more weeks until I can pick up my son. Its torture! I can hardly pick up a glass full of liquid let alone a 20 lb toddler. That said we had to get creative on a system to have someone with me at all times. Since Im a stay at home mom, Elliot doesnt got to daycare. So until then, we've come up I can care for my own son we created a system. Eric swapped shifts at work to work the night shift. That means hes with me 90% of the time Elliot is awake, thus handling all baby duties. When Eric leaves for work, his sister, my mom, dad, or aunt step in and help me with elliot until he goes to bed. Once in bed? This kid sleeps 12 hours so Im good again until Eric gets home from work. I truly couldnt do this without my family.
Im still in quite a bit of pain daily. Its better than it was but I still spend most of the day in pain, and sitting. Its agony to stand up and even walk. I can talk a lot better so my throat is healing! Im weak and require quite a bit of help for mot things. Even getting a shower and dressed is a family event. Im just sore, and weak. Other than all that Im okay I guess. I attempted to sleep in bed last night, and couldnt do it. Laying down caused so much pain I was in tears and shaking. Eric had to all but carry me back to the living room recliner. Sitting in that chair is the only thing that hurts less. Im never pain free, just hurt less. The doc says its due to cutting thru some nerves etc. They cant do much more for my pain other than the stuff Im already on.
Enough about me...Molly brought my nieces and bubbles by to keep Elliot busy yesterday! He had a blast outside with the girls. Now that hes walking he's enjoying a bunch of new things. Mainly chasing is cousins around and creating chaos. Molly slathered sunscreen on them and had them outside playing. It was sweet to watch. Here are some pics from the event-
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