January 31, 2013

Stupid Cancer!

Eric found a new cancer website the other day. I thought I would share it.www.stupidcancer.org

I was diagnosed with my first round of melanoma back in 2000. At that time I was the youngest case in arkansas. I wish that this website had been around back then. Its a good resource for the younger crowd with cancer. You dont really get it until you have cancer at a young age. Every time we walk into my oncologist's office I tend to get stares. Its like the older folks seem to be shocked that a younger person has cancer. Granted, as I get older these looks arnt quite as shocking as when I was in the office at 15. My point is, Im glad to finally see someone thats looking at the young adult crowd and catering to their needs.

From the bit of looking around their site, they have support groups, chat boards, and all sorts of information for patients, and care givers alike. They even have a summit in Las Vegas April 25th-28th. At this summit they will have speakers, and experts talking on different cancer issues/topics. I hear its a great event.

For more information visit www.stupidcancer.org or visit them on facebook!

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