January 27, 2013

Cross Roads...

My appointment with the radiologist was friday. Good news is Im not melting! (which we already knew) He did however, give us more to think about. He saw my PET scans and my lung tumor. He asked if my Oncologist had discussed all this with me. After, I explained yes, in fact he had explained it, and we had a plan for it, Mr Radiologist decided to throw his 2 cents in. He seems to think that lung radiation is the way to go, and saves me from getting my chest cracked open. 

I love it when they throw more options into the mix. Its just that everything we've read, says that Im a good candidate for the surgery. Also, that it can improve my longevity. I mean I would love to go the least invasive method, but my ultimate goal here is adding years onto my life. So this is just one more thing to talk to my oncologist about at my next appointment. 

I have a few theories as to the whole radiation vs. surgery debate. I see pros and cons for each. Surgery = clean margins and making sure all the cancer is gone. Radiation= not clean margins and almost guarantee of  chemo to make sure its all gone. Just another kink in things.....either way we have to wait until the yervoy treatments are over with, and another PET scan is done. Once we know the status of everything, then we will know what direction to take. So until then, we sit at the cross roads of which way to take. 

1 comment:

  1. I’m so glad Kristi posted this link on Facebook so I can keep up with what’s going on. I worked for Chuck for many years, and he informed me awhile back of your situation. Please know I am praying for you and your family, and praying for guidance and strength for you personally as you make decisions on your treatment options. God bless…
