Wow, how time goes by! Seems like I was just typing his 7 month old post. E- man is now 8 months. Hes growing like a weed. Each day he seems to get bigger, and more vocal. He has quite the little personality. I swear hes like a little old man. He rarely meets a stranger, and likes to flirt. At the same time, he can be unsure of some people (little old ladies at walmart) but overall hes a very social little man. The ladies at my oncology group love him. They know him by name now, and love it when he comes to visit. When hes not there Im known as "elliots mom". lol. I guess not many people bring a baby to a oncologist, but when your a stay at home mom sometimes he just has to come along.
Elliot sleeps pretty good. The past couple weeks hes been going thru a growth spurt so hes up a bit more than normal, but nothing crazy. He has 5 teeth now, going on 6. Quite the mouthful1! Hes also sort of taken to nibbling on anything he can get his teeth on. Okay, sometimes all out biting people. I painted my nails blue the other day, and those apparently were fair game for baby bites. Hes also still eating like a champ. The other day he actually wanted cereal over his bottle.
Here is my little man....
He's so cute:)