January 11, 2013

Its over!

The 24 hour ban on holding Elliot is over! Im no longer radioactive! YAY!!! Little man didnt understand last night why mommy couldnt hold him. He kept rolling over to me and tugging on my pant leg. Poor guy. Luckily his dad was there to pick up where I couldnt. Of course last night was also the night where he decided to get up at 2am and not sleep thru the night. Poor Eric had to get up and feed him a bottle. I got some extra sleep though. :)

Today Elliot decided to be a bit cranky due to teething. Poor guy has 3 or 4 new teeth coming in. My poor coffee table made it thru 2 dogs without any chewing damage, and as of tonight has new teeth marks. Elliot decided to try to chew on the coffee table.  I swear he was only over there for a couple of seconds before I moved him. but the coffee table came away with new war wounds. I cant believe after all this time a 7 month old was the one to chew on it!

Im doing pretty good today. Guzzled my weight in water trying to flush the radioactive stuff from my system. Managed to take a nap today (unplanned) but hey, Ill take what I can get. Also worked up to 10 minutes on the treadmill, and a light yoga workout. Making some progress on the gaining energy front. Got some housework done, laundry etc. Nothing really exciting.

I did hear about the flu epidemic. I plan on talking to my oncologist about a flu shot. If I need one. I think its a good idea, but with the way my immune system is, Im not sure if theyll let me get one. I also have an appointment next week witht he pediatrician for Elliot. I plan on talking to him to see if Elliot is old enough for one. While we dont get out other than to the doctors, I worry about us getting the flu. I think our greatest risk is Eric bringing it home for work, or my nieces/nephews giving it to us on one of our visits. All we really see are family and doctors. Still, I feel more comfy looking into the flu shot than ignoring it.

Other than those things, health wise Im feeling pretty good. Lungs still hurt (as usual). Reading, and eyesight still suck. Put it this way, my name looks like its spelled wrong all the time. Its bad when I dont think I can even spell my name correctly. Other than that nothing new to report.

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