January 24, 2013

Woke up sick

Today not feeling so hot. I'm not sure if I have a cold, the flu, or what the deal is. I woke up multiple times last night burning up hot, throat hurting, congested and feeling pretty much terrible. This morning finally got the heat issue under control (which reminded me that we need to get a new thermometer) but was wiped. I spent most of the day in bed, or glued to the couch asleep.

The concern is that I am at risk of getting ill, more so than a normal person. Also that me getting sick could be more serious than if I didnt have cancer. From what we've been told and read I wouldnt respond to antibiotics and such as well, or if at all due to the Yervoy. (thats why the doctors told me to stay away from crowded places) All that said, me waking up sick did not bode well with the husband. Im still not feeling great, but not as bad as I was.

So the key to the next 24 hours is fluids fluids fluids, and rest!!! I promised Eric that I wouldnt even lift a finger to do house work, or basically do anything other than rest.

I have another doctors appointment tomorrow (Friday). This is with my Radiologist. Its just a check up to see how Im doing. I jokingly say "its to make sure the radiation hasnt melted me into a puddle".  Should be a quick in-out deal. Crummy part is going in there feeling like I do now. I would hate to get anyone sick. May be stuck wearing a face mask in the office.

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