January 23, 2013

On the look out

I realized that I havent fully explained the side effects of Yervoy. So we are on the lookout for the following-

The most common side effects are: (according to www.yervoy.com)


Now for the other more serious fun ones:
-Inflammation of intestines
-Inflammation of liver that can lead to liver failure (jaundice, vomiting etc)
-Inflammation of skin, that can lead to serious skin reactions (all skin blister and peeling)
-Inflammation of nerve endings that can lead to paralysis
-Inflammation of glands (pituitary, thyroid) can lead to fainting, tiredness, mood swings)
-Inflammation of eyes. Can lead to blurry vision, red eyes, or blindness.

To sum it up, basically ANYTHING out of the norm it can go wrong on this lovely med. So they do weekly blood testing to make sure everything is okay. Thru the blood tests they will be able to catch any issues with my liver early, before symptoms should show. So far Im only tired right now. The doctor seemed surprised that I dont show any other symptoms. Granted, some people dont start to have a reaction until after the 2nd infusion or even after the last infusion. So, we are on close watch for any changes.

The point of the drug is to heighten my immune system to fight the cancer. The problem is it can heighten it to the point it starts to attack healthy cells. This is what leads to the problems. Its not as bad as typical chemo since it doesnt totally carpet bomb my body. However, it can do some damage.

For now Im doing good.  Hopefully, Ill luck out and not have any issues with this.

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