January 16, 2013

1st treatment down, 3 to go!

A giant door lay ahead of me. On it was plastered "1 visitor per patient...(blah blah blah) no kids (blah blah blah insert cant read rest of sign)" As I walked thru the doors I saw a large room filled with lazy boys. Some of which had seen better days. The nurse explains to me where the favorite seats are. I choose one of the "good seats". Then I have the bubbly nurse come over to start my IV. She chooses her vein and goes for it. I feel the worst pain ever....and the vein blows. Keep in mind all the ivs Ive ever had Ive NEVER had anyone have a problem. Yet today...she screws up. Word of advice to nurses, dont tell your patient you just came back from vacation and are out of practice. This does not instill confidence in your patient. So she then chooses another vein and goes for it. This time ITS GOOD! yay....

After all the drama of getting the IV started, another curve ball comes my way. I dont just get Yervoy. Before I can get the good stuff I have to have tylenol, and benadryl. GREAT. Im sensitive to benadryl, as it makes me really sleepy with a really small dose. Now I get to pay attention for 3 hours dopey. 30 minutes or so pass, and the nurse heads to get the Yervoy. All while hooking it up she again explains how pricey this medication is. She hooks it up then leaves. As she rounds the corner I feel liquid running down my arm. OH NO! my first thought was "dollar bills/ liquid gold is running down my arm, not into my vein as it should be!!!" I call the nearest nurse who quickly fixes the leak.

During my time in the chemo ward (as Im now calling it) I saw a few interesting things. Here is some of what I saw...
- Old man flirting with the old ladies. This was quite amusing to watch. So amusing in fact the nurses had to go put him back in his chair, because he was causing a delay in treatment. Talking about being a sniper in the war, and how hes got "cancer in the gut!!" He had everyone smiling and laughing. I was highly amused. At least he has a good attitude about the situation.

- One lovely lady who I think was talking to me as she walked by my area and said loudly "Ive got breast cancer!" (all with a head nob/bob attitude thing) I was the only person not engaged in a task. So unless she was talking to her imaginary friend it was me she was sending the attitude toward. Apparently its quite the club. And yes, she was all decked out in pink. Im not a hater of the pink. Just saying this entire situation was odd to me. Maybe I misunderstood her, maybe I didnt see who she was talking to. However I was easily amused by this. Made me go "uhhh okay?"

Now what?

A few people have asked how Im feeling. I feel fine. Well as normal as I feel on a daily basis. Side affects may happen in the coming days. I have a doctors appointment in a week to see if Im having any issues. I also have some medications on hand 'just in case' I get any of the common side affects. But for tonight? I feel like I have been. No new changes. Other than my left arm hurting like crazy where she poked me, Im doing good.

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