January 20, 2013

Cleaning out the Pantry.

We saw 2 interesting documentaries this weekend. 'Food Matters' and 'Hungry for Change'. Both brought a few interesting things to light. #1- the average american diet sucks. #2- people with a less "man made" diet are healthier with less cancer rates. I really suggest that if you have time to watch both of these shows. (I found them both on netflix)

All that said, I see no harm in eating healthier, and cleaner. Eric and I are going to attempt to cut out the 'junk' and eat better. I mean after all we are all about healing. Its my overall health we are talking about here. If it means giving up the junk, and eating more veggies, fruits, and less processed foods then thats what we will do. I dont want to sound like a crazy person, but it makes sense. This also will allow me to be a better example for Elliot as hes eating more and more solids. If he has a good foundation of healthy foods it can only help him. So all in all I see no hurt in attempting to eat 'cleaner' healthier foods. If cant hurt me any more than the cancer right? Plus with all he medicines and IV treatments some good stuff needs to counteract the bad. Ill let you know how it goes. Im sure trying to change our mindset wont be easy.

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