January 29, 2013

Lab day!

Today I had the pleasure of going to the oncologist today. Originally I was told I would be going in for blood work only. This was to check all the levels in my blood, and make sure my liver etc wasnt failing. So I check in, and they proceed to tell me "SURPRISE!!!! you also get to see the nurse practitioner today!" I argue with them a bit, but they insist that in the doctors notes from last week I get to see a NP. Lovely. So I wait....and wait...and finally get to see the NP.

The NP just happened to be the one that visited me daily when I was in the hospital. Its always nice to see a friendly face. She proceeded to tell me that my blood levels were good, and that I was supposed to see her to make sure, once again, that I wasnt having any side effects from the Yervoy. I told her I was surprised to see her today, as the receptionist failed to mention that I had to see her when I made the appt. She also informed me that I have another doc appt next week too! (love how I was left out of the loop). Anyway, my blood levels are great! They are shocked that I dont have any symptoms. She kinda let it slip that many people dont seem to make all 4 treatments without delay. This is due to side effects and the what not. If your side effects get too bad they push your treatment out, however, they cannot push it too far. Or sometimes, they have to stop treatment entirely. I feel like my doctor sort of skirted around that potential issue. They just seem to be surprised at each visit that Im not having any issues. (this is sorta worrisome thtat they seem shocked by my good progress)

So its almost been 3 weeks since my last Yervoy treatment. I go in Feb 6th for my next infusion! Then Im going to go ahead and assume that Ill have weekly labs/ doc visits after that. Hopefully, I continue on this good streak and continue to not have any issues from the drug.

Overall Ive been doing pretty good. Im still tired, and require a ton of sleep, but doing better on that front. Now, to keep the trend going!

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