February 3, 2013

Crummy Weekend

Nothing stays good for long around here. Just had a crummy weekend starting on Friday. I counted my blessings too quickly I suppose. As of friday I started getting the side effects from Yervoy. At the 24 hour mark I called the on call doctor Saturday. He wasnt as concerned as I 'thought' he should be. Told me to take over the counter medications (even after I told him that my doctor said not to, the chemo nurse said not to, AND the MANUFACTURER said not to). Luckily, I had a call in to my own doctors nurse. She called me back this morning, 48 hours after the symptoms started. She called my doctor immediately and called me back. Now what you ask? well.... Back on the steroids! yay me. Just when I got back to sleeping normall, and thought I was loosing the weight, here we go again!

So heres the plan. Tomorrow (monday) I go into the doctor for IV fluids (they assume Im dehydrated, and I likely am. Having been able to keep anything down) and blood work. Then I go back on wednesday for a follow up, and as of right now my second round of Yervoy infusion. Im hoping they dont push it off. Ive been able to get my tummy for the most part under control today. Granted, I havent really had much food. Mainly just fluids.

So here I am, Sunday night, Super Bowl night and Im at home feeling wiped. My sister in law was having a party at her house, and Im here at home trying to feel better. I just couldnt imagine going anywhere with the smell of food. Hopefully, we will get all of this under control and we can continue the infusions without any more side effects. Ive heard many different ideas on the issue of side effects. Some say its a sign its working. Since its sending my body into overdrive its proof its doing something. So I guess thats good news?

I knew I had had too many good days in a while. Just had to go and get these side effects....Just when I was starting to build up strength on the treadmill too. Baby steps....

1 comment:

  1. Baby steps are sometimes the only option. Just keep takingbaby steps and I will keep praying.
