February 6, 2013

Yervoy Treatment #2 Today

We made it to the doctor today! Lab work done, weigh in, then nice visit with my oncologist. He said that hes almost 99% sure its the Yervoy causing my side effects, and not some super bacteria bug that only effects cancer patients. We are still waiting the lab results for the super bacteria, but the steriods seem to be working. This makes him believe its the yervoy. He did, however, allow us to continue treatment today.

I asked him about surgery vs radiation on my lung tumor. He said that we will re-visit the situation after our next Pet scan, but that he liked the surgery option better. With my age, and risk factors Im a better choice for surgery. There is the possibility of small cancer cells that the PET scan is not picking up, but they can see in surgery and go ahead and cut out. This seems like a better option. My doctor said that he always goes with the "what would I do for my family" option. Right now this is the way he would go. Granted we have a few more weeks (6) to think about this again. We will know more after my next pet scan in roughly 6 weeks.

So for the fun stuff! Treatment today went without any issues. IV hookups were great. They pumped me full of benadryl, saline, and Yervoy. Took forever! I did learn that the saving grace was bringing my headphones and the ipad. Watching my own movies really helped the time pass, and people tend to more ignore me. They had the cancer hope recourse people there today. They came by and offered foot massages. (I declined, I didnt want someone touching my potentially stinky feet) :) Once they filled my IV with the anti nausea meds I was feeling great. Finally ready to eat some food! By the time I got out of there I was starving and sleepy. Not a good combo for me. I really get cranky/moody with that combination. Poor Eric was a trooper though. He made me some lunch and put me down for a nap. Hes really quite patient with me.

We are still keeping an eye on me for the next little bit. They said that with my new infusion my side effects can get worse again before officially getting better. So I could be in for another few days of awesomeness. I have meds for most everything I should need. Doc said water, whiskey and coffee are my worst enemies right now, and to guzzle gatorade, and ginger ale. So this is what I will subside myself on. Crossing my fingers for a nice few days. I guess it could always be worse. At least I am here at home, and not having to worry about work (other than watching the baby, which yes is a full time job). But hey its a full time job from my couch if need be.

Thank you for all your prayers, Ive really been needing them the past few days. Good night.

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