February 19, 2013

Heavy duty cough meds...

I always know that going to my oncologist is an all day event. Even when they say it should be just a quick appt, buckle up, because its going to be a while. They did lab work, and a chest x-ray quickly after we arrived. Then we proceeded to wait an hour before even being called back to see the doctor! (crazy to wait that long) With my lovely hacking cough, I had the pleasure of wearing a mask for the entire visit. I didnt want to chance getting someone sick. Let me tell ya, those masks get HOT. I was so ready to loose it, but meanwhile, Ill be responsible.

The good news is my labs look good, and my chest x ray still looks the same. (tumor and all) They were checking for fluid etc, since Ive been sick. The doctor heard wheezing sounds in my lungs so hes treating me for that. So hers what I get: antibiotics, heavy duty cough meds, steroids, and some other med that Im not exactly sure what it does. The doctor said my immune system isnt working right, due to the Yervoy. So Im sick with a cold or whatever, and my body was already struggling with the side effects from my last Yervoy infusion. So Im currently buckets of fun. To be honest this cough syrup has me super loopy right now. (probably not the best idea to type an update while on this med, but oh well). This is the first time in DAYS that Ive not been hacking up a lung. Im feeling pretty awesome right now. Soon Ill crask and sleep.

So the doctor told us if Im not feeling better next week they will postpone my Yervoy infusion. He wants my system to feel back to normal before we proceed. Im crossing my fingers that I get this illness under control so that we dont have to postpone. We really need to keep this on schedule for it to be the most effective. So lots of rest for me for the next 7 days. Eric asked the doctor about our plan for after the yervoy. As of right now its staying the same. Im interested to see the next PET scan and see if the tumor has grown, or anything new has come up. A lot will be decided in just 4 weeks. Now that we are getting close to the end of the Yervoy Im starting to get nervous. So many things will be decided Im anxious for it to get here so we have our plan in play. With that Im calling it a night. This cough stuff /meds is no joke.

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