February 27, 2013

Infusion #3 done!

I managed to get them to give me infusion #3 of the Yervoy today. (very exciting stuff). They did the typical blood tests then sent me on to the chemo room. When I arrived at the chemo room it was packed! Apparently they were very behind today. There wasnt a free seat anywhere. I waited 45 minutes before they could find a spot for me. I then got hooked up without any problems. I was in a chair I swear was meant for a 7ft tall person. The nurse had to bring a foot stool over as my feet were hanging, no way I could reach the ground. It was the most uncomfortable chair ever. But hey, Im not going to complain. It didnt take me too long to realize that I had forgotten my headphones. So no movies for me. I ended up playing solitaire and looking at pinterest the entire time.

I got home and I was sleepy and hungry. I had brought a few snacks with me, but missed lunch. Next time Ill remember to pack more food. Normally it doesnt take as long as it did today. I would have been fine, but missing lunch killed me. I was sleepy due to the benadryl they hook you up to, and not sleeping the night before. Had illness issues. Not sure if Yervoy related, or not but didnt get any sleep. So tonight I plan on going to bed early!

So far no new side effects. Im managing the ones I do have. (Im beginning to have a mini pharmacy in my house". Hopefully we can get thru the next 3 weeks with nothing new. We just have to make it to the last infusion, then a new pet scan! I will make it to the 4th infusion. They sat many dont make all 4, but I have high hopes.

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