March 3, 2013

9 Month Old Baby

Time flies when you're having fun! My little man is now 9 months old (well as of the 28th, Im a bit behind on my post). He seems to be growing more and more every day. Elliot is truly a blessing in our lives. While having a little one at times isnt easy, he can brighten anyones day in an instant with his smile or any of his antics.

This month little man started to crawl! At a time where I was very ill, he became mobile. Now nothing in my house is safe. His little knees are red from all the running around he does. He can go pretty quick. He also learned how to associate the words Ma Ma, and Da da this month. His favorite thing to do is go "MA MA!!!" then promptly crawl as fast as he can in the opposite direction for me to chase him, giggling the entire way. (hes quite the little comedian) He knows exactly where his boundaries are, and what makes me get up and go get him. Its quite amusing....

Here are some of little mans favorites this month:

Rasins!!! not only can he pick them up, but they are squishy!
Spoons...the better to throw liquid food at mom with!
Puffs- the baby food that melts in your moth. He will chow down on these.
The singing airplane. He loves to find it and make the thing sing while rocking.
Hanging upside down. He will throw himself backwards while we hold him so he can hang.
Shoes- the boy will go straight towards any shoes.
Outside- he will stare out the window all day. He loves to watch the trees, or go outside.

My little man is growing up quickly. All too soon he will be walking, and talking. Im truly blessed in the family department. I have an amazing cool headed, chill baby boy. Not much phases him. He goes to the doctor with me and will sit patiently for 2-3 hours and the entire time is calm and chill. The nurses and doctors love him. They are always surprised at how calm he is.

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