So in the past month:
- baby is crawling!
- no food left behind- he loves EVERYTHING!
- Starting to think about walking. Pulling up and attempting to take a step
- more vocal! MA MA/ DADA and other random words. Associating mom/dad with people.
- will actually attempt to move your hand out of the way so he can get whatever he wants
- fav toy- TV remote
- LOVES the golden retriever...laughs like crazy when hes around.
- only cuddles when hes poo-ing, or the vacuum is out. He hates the vacuums.
- Has figured out that he can put his hands outside the stroller and try to grab stuff on the move. Like clothes etc.... he thinks its funny.
- got his first freckle. (we are having it double checked at the pediatrician next week to make sure its not a mole, or melanoma etc)
Overall hes a healthy, ornery little boy. Soon he will be walking. Now, for a few pictures...
He's just adorable!