March 28, 2013

Elliot is 10 months old!

Today Elliot is 10 months old! Let me start off by saying effective this month his monthly photo session is a challenge. Try getting a mobile little boy to sit still....good luck with that. All photo ops must be gotten on the move! Add into the mix a Golden Retriever thats scared of camera, and suddenly decides the baby needs protecting and good luck! (He decided to 'dog' up and stand between the camera and baby, usually the dog just runs from the camera)

So in the past month:
- baby is crawling!
- no food left behind- he loves EVERYTHING!
- Starting to think about walking. Pulling up and attempting to take a step
- more vocal! MA MA/ DADA and other random words. Associating mom/dad with people.
- will actually attempt to move your hand out of the way so he can get whatever he wants
- fav toy- TV remote
- LOVES the golden retriever...laughs like crazy when hes around.
- only cuddles when hes poo-ing, or the vacuum is out. He hates the vacuums.
- Has figured out that he can put his hands outside the stroller and try to grab stuff on the move. Like clothes etc.... he thinks its funny.
- got his first freckle. (we are having it double checked at the pediatrician next week to make sure its not a mole, or melanoma etc)

Overall hes a healthy, ornery little boy. Soon he will be walking. Now, for a few pictures...

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