March 10, 2013

Spring Forward

Ahh daylight savings time. Spring is here now that we have officially moved our clocks forward by 1 hour. I keep having to remind myself that our schedules have changed. See, Elliot and I have a set daily routine. He goes down for naps almost at the same time daily, its like clock work! So now that the time has changed its screwed with him a bit. :) all takes getting used to.

So nothing really eventful this weekend. Im having some skin issues due to the treatments. Itching all over. Its like a bad rash that just wont go away. Scratch it and its worse! So my goal is trying to ignore it entirely. If it gets worse theyll just put me on more meds. Surely I can manage a few more weeks without that. I have a doc appointment tuesday for an update. Then my last treatment is the next week. Its getting close to my next pet scan and surgery! Time is starting to really fly.

Im having to constantly remind myself to be happy with what I do have, vs with what I dont. Im kind of struggling with that right now. Its stupid things really, and honestly kind of vain. You know, the whole 'my hair isnt how Id like it', or 'the steroids make me gain weight, so my jeans dont fit right', or 'my skins blotchy and red due to crazy itching.' Its all dumb and piddly in the long run. Big picture! - Gaining weight is good at this point! Loosing is bad! Hair will grow back, or long enough to have a professional fix it. Skin will go back to normal. These are all temporary problems. I sholdnt let them have any impact on my life. Its sad that our society is so bent on looking a certian way. We try so hard to fit a mold thats just not ment for all of us. We should in fact focus on simply being healthy, happy, and living each day to its full potential.

Okay my rant for tonight is over. I have a fun post for you guys tomorrow! As for me? Im going to bed.

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