March 31, 2013

Sick...and no fun

The past 48 hours have been miserable. It all started unexpectedly. I woke up on the couch with Eric asking me if Id be more comfy going to bed. (rather than sleep on the couch) I sat up and next think he knows hes getting can over on my way to puke. Thats when it all began....I lost 5 lbs in a little over 24 hours. I had hot flashes, and chills. I was officially camped out on the bathroom floor, in a TINY front bathroom at the creek house. (not much room to sit on the floor)

Thats when I realized..a cancer patient should never go anywhere without her serious meds. I was an hour away from home and had left my nausea/ anti vomit meds at home. Bless my husbands heart, he packed everything up at 10 pm, loaded a sleeping baby, and pukey wife into the car and took us home. I couldnt make it the entire drive without getting sick a few different times. I was officially miserable.

Once home, I got my medication and it all slowed down. Granted by then there wasnt anything left in my system to get sick on. Ive been sleeping the past 24 hours. I feel weak, tired, and sore. I expect to sped easter on the couch or in bed. I attempted to help Eric give Elliot his bath last night, and managed to fall into the tub with little man. (so much for feeling shakey and weak).

No idea if this is was/is a bug, a cancer thing, or a side effect of the yervoy. All of these are possible. The yervoy side effects are still happening from my last dose, and wont be tapering off until mid april. It could also be that my system is so shot I just picked up a bug. We just dont know anything for sure. All I do know? No one else is sick. Just me.

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