March 31, 2013


After a rough few days Im still laid up on the couch. Eric and the baby went to see his parents, while allowing me to stay home and rest. Even with someone else watching Elliot, if hes fussy my mommy senses go into overdrive and I cant sleep. So with the boys gone, Eric hoped Id be able to rest guilt free. It worked! I was able to get some much needed rest. I feel selfish for not being able to join the family activities, and just wanting to rest, but it was nice. Totally a rare situation to sleep without that constant ear out for elliot. I still dont feel great, but better than this morning. For dinner I may actually get real food! Lost another pound as of noon today, and Im looking forward to some real food. My fall last night left a small bruise. (Fell while giving elliot a bath, no one injured but my knee).

Elliot has an easte basket, but no pictures yet. With the boys leaving this morning I havent had a chance to get any pics yet. Little man didnt get too much this year (not that easter is about a bunny). He did get a few new sippy cups, and puffs baby food in different varieties. (he loves all of them) E cut another tooth this morning. that makes 8 I think!

Thats all for my update today. Feeling better, and tomorrow should be better. Glad it seems that we got all of this under control for now. Hope everyone had a happy easter!

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