March 24, 2013

Praying for Patience

So I had put off mentioning that my awesome hubby bought me a puppy a week ago. Yes, I have a new puppy. Despite everything in my being that said "this is a terrible idea", Im a sucker for puppies. Keep in mind my dog died right before for once in 7+ years I was dog-less. He got me exactly what I wanted. A king charles cavalier spaniel. (tiny lap yapper dog) Bred to cuddle and be sweet. EXACTLY what I wanted. right???? ---fast forward to today--- I HATE THIS DAMN DOG! (please excuse my language) Now Ive trained puppies before. 3 in fact. I crate train to house break. But Ive never had a dog this dumb. She has no problem rolling in her own mess. Take her outside to potty, then 20 minutes later she will pee all over herself. Seriously???

I know I know, shes a puppy...she needs time and patience. She hasnt messed in my house, just in her kennel. When out of her kennel to play shes a tiny tornado of clumsy. She falls over her own paws. She will fall over while peeing right into her own mess. She even RAN under another dog when it was peeing! (which required a bath for her) UGH....this dog is going to take all of my patience I dont have.

To add to the mess... We adopted a rescue dog as well. An older golden retriever. He is awesome. Free to us (unless you count getting his shots up to date) And comes pre-trained! He is housebroken, and knows all the basics. (sit, stay, roll over, shake etc) Talk about the dog lottery. Poor guy had spent weeks wandering the woods. He was underweight, and tick infested. Since then we have been fattening him up, and got him tick free. He is pretty cool. Not to mention AWESOME with elliot. He seems to be used to kids. My nieces were over the other day (3 girls) and he was fine. Just tried to lay down and chill. He will also let elliot crawl under him, and pull up to stand on him etc.

I guess I should mention names- the Golden is 'Sergeant' and the King charles is 'Pepper'. Together they make 'Sergeant Pepper and the lonely hearts club'. Yes, all the Schmit dogs are named after Beatles songs. :) So there is my rant. Dealing with a STUPID puppy. Now to pray for more Patience. This seems to be the running theme for me. Patience for scan results, patience with dogs....Maybe I should take the hint.

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