March 20, 2013

Last Yervoy Infusion

My last Yervoy infusion is DONE!!! WOOHOOO!!!!! It was pretty quiet today in the Chemo room. Apparently a bunch of people were on spring break, so I dont have any fun stories today. In and out type of deal. Eric sat with me while getting this last one done. I think he described the Yervoy VS Chemo debate rather well today " Chemo = carpet bombing your entire system by using the army, Yervoy = sending in the navy seals on a more targeted mission" haha

So now we wait until April 15th for my next set of scans. Then we figure out our next steps. These next 27 days few weeks will be spent trying to keep my mind preoccupied. Im attempting to get Elliots birthday party planned, and all the stuff for that in advance. Just in case of surgery etc. I want to make sure I have everything ready in advance. So for now we wait.

Still have to watch for side effects due to this last infusion. I will still be monitored closely etc for the next few weeks. At any time my symptoms can get worse. Its hard to believe that many people dont make it thru all 4 infusions. So far, Im one of the few lucky ones. Yes, Ive had a few issues, but luckily nothing thats put me into the hospital like other people. So for now we wait....

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