March 27, 2013

Bye Bye Pepper

Well its official, Pepper is gone. I couldnt do it. It wasnt really a wise idea in the first place. I mean come on, surgery in the next few weeks? Add that to house training a dog? TERRIBLE idea!!! It seemed from the beginning this dog knew just how to push my buttons. Ive never had a dog quite this dumb, and Ive trained 3 dogs from puppyhood!

Some of this dogs antics are as follows: This morning she tried to play with our golden while he was peeing, and ran right under him promptly getting showered with pee. This resulted in a bath. Small puppy= soaked. EWW. Add this to the constant crate peeing and rolling in it? and I was done. This dog couldnt hold her pee for even an hour. I was constantly cleaning up pee, and bathing a dog that smelled of her own waste. I loathed it.

So I found her a nice home. A young couple that had been looking for a dog like her. They were thrilled. Now I time everyone tells me its a terrible idea I should just believe them.

On an added note? Our golden retriever is amazing. Best dog ever....and he came PRE-trained! I know Im spoiled.

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