March 3, 2013

To my Mom

Today is my moms birthday. She is the most amazing woman I know. I aspire to be the mom she was. My story with cancer actually starts with her. I have no doubt I wouldnt be where I was today had she not done what she did.

 I was 15 and she noticed a mole on my back that bothered her. At the time we were at a water park, and she was putting sunscreen on my back. I told her it was nothing, and we went on. Lucky for me, she didnt forget about it. When we got home she set up an appointment with our family doctor. I threw a fit, saying there was no reason to go blah blah (teenage drama). She insisted and off to the doctor we went. The doctor took a look and said it was nothing to worry about. Mom had other ideas. She said it bothered her and demanded he remove said mole. Bless his heart, he did what she asked. Lucky for me he did. A few weeks later my world changed forever. That was when the lab results came back, and I had melanoma. This was in 2000, and my first start at this long journey/ fight. 

The saying is "mother knows best." In my case yes, mom knew best. To this day she is one of my biggest supporters. I havent always appreciated her as much as I should. Today is her day. There is nothing I can say, do, or get her that truly shows how much I love her. 

She had surgery on her foot friday, and is at home recovering today. (all went great). Eric, Elliot and I are bringing her presents and lunch from wherever she wants. Today is about her! So mom....HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! 

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