March 4, 2013

Status Update

Today was an okay day. Im having some side effects from the last infusion. Nothing new to report on that front. Just the same ole same ole. Its being managed with medications right now, so its tolerable. Im crossing my fingers that it stays that way. I just weaned off of the steroids, and am hoping to stay that way. Sometimes its a toss up of whats worse, side effects of the Yervoy, or side effects of the drugs to help ease the side effects o f Yervoy.

Currently, my next scheduled appointment is next week. This is always up for change depending on how Im feeling, or any new side effects. After that, the next week is my last infusion. Then the real fun begins! Im already getting nervous about the last infusion, and the next set of scans. Ive had 12 weeks to dwell on the next scan, and surgery. Im just ready to get it all over with. Nights are becoming sleepless thinking about it all. So Im trying my best not to dwell on it, and focus my attention on other things.

Elliot said "No" today, along with "Yoga". It had me cracked up. Granted, I couldnt get him to do it again. He just crawled up to a cabinet hes not supposed to be around and goes "NO" then turns to look at me. Quite surprising I might say. Later he was doing the yoga pose 'downward dog'. So I proceeded to ask him "baby, are you doing yoga?" I swear, he looked down and said "Yoga?" Plain as day! Eric even managed to hear it from the other room!! So hes starting to repeat things. Maybe it was a fluke, but it was funny. Now I really have to watch what I say if this trend is going to continue.

Thats all I have for tonight. I will leave you with a picture of my baby trying to eat my camera....

1 comment:

  1. He is so precious. He just makes you fall in love with him with that grin he has. I can't wait to be closer so I can get to know all of my great nephews!
