February 11, 2013


The phrase "be careful what you wish for" comes to mind from my experience this weekend. We spent some of this weekend at our inlaws creek house, with family. We had a lovely time, had a good time seeing everyone etc. Until you add in my cranky child. My baby boy LOVES his crib. I never thought I would be able to get him to nap in his crib. I mean, until a month or so ago he just would not nap anywhere but our arms. Now? Its an entire new ball game.

We have quite the set schedule for him. He wakes up at 5-530, naps at 8, up then naps again 1ish, then bed at 6-7. Well, mr elliot just didnt understand this weekend why we didnt have a crib to put him in when he demanded a nap. :) on my...Ive never seen that kid so angry. He was like "HELLOOOOO naptime!!!!!" the pack n play was a joke, the only thing that worked? laying him down on our bed, and WHAM out like a light. This boy LOVES a norma mattress. So to sum all of this up, I guess I need to be careful what I wish for. I was pleading with him over the holidays to nap on his own, and now Ive creadted a little boy who only wants to nap in a nice comfy crib. I guess it could be worse :)

My health this weekend is okay. Still fighting with the side effects but they seem to be settling down with my meds. All food in general just doesnt sound good. So Im trying to stay hydrated, and just eat what I can. We are taking it easy at the house today, as Elliot has a bit of a cold, that I think I may be getting. Still really tired all the time, but thats what happens when your body is fighting against itself. My next lab appointments are for Feb 20th, unless something creeps up between now and then. They are now just letting me watch myself and if I think the effects are getting worse Im supposed to call in. I will continue to keep everyone updated.

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