February 18, 2013


Sorry for the time lapse between posts. Elliot caught a cold, then promptly passed it to me. Problem with me? Now Ive been terribly sick. Thats the crummy part about being a cancer patient on an immuno therapy type drug. So Ive been in bed what feels like for days.

I have a terrible persistent cough that just wont quit. By terrible I mean stop me in my tracks, cough so hard you pray you dont pee your pants, type cough. My husband is worried this has to do with my lung tumor. (not just me simply catching a cold/flu bug) We called the doctor this morning, and hes going to see us tomorrow. They went and ordered a chest x-ray, and will run labs. What worries Eric is that nothing helps the cough. Ive tried all sorts of cough meds, cough drops etc. I cant sleep at night due to coughing up a lung. So only thing that seems to work is water, and hot tea. Im praying that the doc will be able to give me something to make it stop. I cant talk either, or a coughing fit erupts.

On top of being sick with what we hope is a bug, Ive still been having side effects from the Yervoy. (lovely) Lets just add all that together to a pretty miserable 2 weeks for me. Having to force myself to eat, and stay in bed. Im ready to just feel 'normal' again.

A brighter note!? Elliot decided to start crawling a couple days ago! So a sick mommy, and a very mobile baby. YAY! Hes decided that the entire house is game. Luckily 90% of our home had already been baby proofed. So we really only have a couple things left to do. He has made it challenging to be sick, and watching a baby run away from mommy. (he thinks hes quite comical...laughing/squealing the entire way) I guess it could be worse right? Hes quite pleased with himself when he gets where he wants to go.

Baby boy made it to the window...he LOVES being able to look outside!

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