April 30, 2014

Week of the Doctor

So for the week I get to have iv fluids daily. Since I haven't been able to keep food down they want to make sure I don't get dehydrated. My scan was only of my lower back. Good news is the tumor on my back that was likely causing my leg weakness is gone! Ive been getting stronger daily.

They scheduled a whole new set of scans for monday, results tuesday. I will update everyone sometime tuesday. I have honestly been feeling miserable. Hence the lack of posts. Ive been in bed exhausted for the past few weeks. Add that to all the tummy issues and I haven't been very social.

All that said, Im going back to bed. Ill update when I can.

April 25, 2014

Its friday!

So Ill admit I was a bad today.  Since I was so worried about getting sick on the way to the docs office I just didn't take my meds. (bad I know) Sadly, I feel great. No puking, no other tummy issues. I feel so much better. Granted chemo isn't known to be all sunshine and rainbows. Just these past few hours have been great not feeling sick. I go back to my normal regimen soon. They did give me some new meds to combat the side effects. Hopefully they work. I honestly can't live with the running to the bathroom every 1-2 hours. (its like clockwork.) We have to find a way to make this work.

That said, the good news is my headaches have gone down entirely. In fact I haven't been on any pain meds at all for the past 2 weeks!! So something is working in there. Its likely the chemo, but we don't know for sure.

I did have a scan today, although it wasn't the one we thought. It was a MRI of my lower spine. None on my head like normal. I guess they wanted to check my back for more tumors since Ive had trouble walking. Im hoping at least it will show the one on my tibia has gone down or disappeared entirely. :) *cross your fingers and pray!* Im supposed to hear from the doc sometime tonight with the results of the scan. I also was on the border of dehydration so today they gave me fluids etc. My blood work looks pretty much perfect other than that. Except there is one tiny issue…….within the past week and a half Ive lost 15 lbs. Now Im all of 5'3'' so small, 15lbs is a lot on top of what I had already lost. Im officially downy to the weight I was in High School!!! (every girls dream right?) Problem is nothing fits, and with all the puking I haven't had time to go shopping. My pants literally fall off my hips.

This weekend no big plans for my group. We plan on trying to get me to be able to tolerate my medications better, and rest loads and loads of rest. Thats all I have for now. Good night! - Cassandra

April 24, 2014


I've been sick the past few days. I can't keep any nourishment down. We got high calorie shakes and I couldn't even keep that down. I've lost 5 lbs or so and sorta starting to look like a cancer patient.

Today we started a notebook on when I take meds, and when I get sick etc. I think I can sorta for a pattern. If so I'll know when to take them.  They have a specific schedule. Either one hour before food or 2 hour after. I think I'm noticing that if I do the meds 1 hour before I eat I don't get sick. This is just a theory.....not enough evidence to proceed.

I didn't sleep at all last night.  It was like having ants crawling all over my skin. So I couldn't get comfy. Add that to me always being cold lately, and it was a long night.

Today I'm taking it easy trying to rest for tomorrow.  It's scan day!! We get to see if this awful chemo is even working. Yay!

April 23, 2014

Chemo sucks.

Sorry haven't posted in a while.  Been dealing with chemo side effects.  Seems like I've had every tummy reaction possible. (To put it nicely) trying to stay hydrated and get some relief.

We had a great easter. Luckily my chemo chose to be calm for the day.  Elliot had a blast with running around getting eggs. Although he prefers a truck bed to a basket. He threw the basket and opted for a toy dump truck instead...what a kid.

Sorry it took so long to up date - cassandrs

April 18, 2014

Its Friday!

I mentioned that I visited the doctor yesterday. What I forgot to talk about is some happy news. If I do well on this chemo it opens doors. We  were speechless when he set up appointments with us for in June!! Its hard to believe that just 2 months ago I was on hospice care, and told I had weeks/a couple months to live.

The chemo is doing well. No real side effects(which is good). I will stay on this drug combo for as long as possible. If bad effects start happening then we stop. These drugs have been shown to shrink tumors in brain completely in one patient. Eric and I have read review after review that has good news. This is amazing. It passed just in time. When we say its "new" we mean literally just approved.

I seem to be getting stronger on my feet as each day passes. I had my last radiation today. No side effects! woohoooo! So now we wait. I have scans on the 25th. Until then I nap, and spend time with family. If the weather is nice maybe a zoo visit. :)

April 17, 2014

Not just any thursday!

Today was my next to last day of radiation!!! Tomorrow is my last day. This round I felt no side effects. Thank the Lord for that. No more radiation is planned as of right now.

My chemo is going well. Im on 2 different types of chemo. By themselves they have horrible side effects, together they cancel each other out, so very little side effects. The doctor already thinks its working too!! My legs are getting stronger (Ive been in a wheel chair lately). My head hasn't hurt as much etc. They think these meds are really helping. We won't know specifics until my scans later this month. So yay!!!

Im doing pretty good overall. Other than being tired, and not able to walk long distances Im good. I sleep a lot. I don't know what I would do without all the help we get. From babysitting, to food. Every bit we appreciate. I helps make things easier. Right now Ive been using my Aunts cane. Its purple and awesome. Makes having to walk with a cane fashionable! I just want to make sure I say thank you.

April 10, 2014

Chemo Day 3.

My chemo is 5 pills I take at home spread throughout the day. So far I don't have any side effects. My tummy feels a bit weird but since Im healing from that surgery, I attribute that to the surgery. Im also have very very very dry skin. This is totally uncommon for me. Ive been slathering on lotion like its going out of style to no avail. Im still loosing weight, which is a problem. I haven't weighed this weight for a very long time.

The biggest issue right now is Im very weak. My legs refuse to hold me up walking very long. Its almost as if  my feet are not listening to my brain. My ankles roll, and my toes feel numb. Originally I was walking with my cane just fine, but I keep getting weaker. We had to pull out my wheelchair this week. Its so much easier in the chair. I aways push it a bit with walking, just even from my bedroom to the living room I almost fell 2x. thats how bad it is. Im hoping that we get a reason why soon. I have scans for my spine scheduled for the end of the month.

I wish I could get out and play in this beautiful weather. We took Elliot to the park yesterday. They parked me, and I watched him climb, and slide, and have a blast. All we had done was my radiation therapy, the playground, and I was done. I pretty well went home and slept the rest of the day.

Now at noon, Im in bed for my daily nap. At the same time we are waiting on Lowes to deliver a new washer. Ours decided to break last week. Boy do I have laundry piled up. We were blessed with many people offering up theirs to borrow just to get a load done. (and we did get 2 laundry loads done at my sister in laws. Its just going to be nice to be able to do our own laundry.

So that is where we are right now. Just a lot of watching me carefully for side effects.

April 4, 2014

5 down 10 to go

5 days of radiation done! Now for my weekend break. So far no side effects of treatment. As I know from prior radiation experience side effects start late and last long after radiation treatment. So we are good on that front.

I am still having problems with my legs. We had a emergency CT scan yesterday to see if there was something pushing on my nerves, but nothing was found. I think next time they will do it with contrast to help see. I can't walk well at all. Ive been so close to falling multiple times, but manage to catch myself. (or eric catches me) They gave me meds for the weekend to help with pain and will see me monday. Crazy.

On a lighter note, my surgeon said Im healing very well! So Im cleared to start trying to hold the baby again .And more active, all of which I find funny since my legs aren't working properly. I swear if its not one thing its another.