August 18, 2013

What a Weekend

Ive spent most of this weekend in bed. I woke up yesterday in pain. It hurt to do anything but curl up into a ball. My head was killing me, and walking made me want to puke. So Eric watched the baby, while I stayed in bed.

When I woke up this morning Im feeling a bit better. My head is still fuzzy (which is normal these days) but I no longer feel like puking when I stand or walk. My tummy still doesnt feel 'normal', but its just a mild tummy ache compared to yesterday. I can sit up today so thats progress! Im taking it slow today as a result. Ive only been up an hour or so, so Im trying to just take it slow and hope I start feeling better. Maybe today I can make it out of my pjs.

My parents sent over a care package last night. (saturdays are normally family dinner nights) Since we missed dinner my Dad and Sister popped by with some food. We were greatly appreciative. They had made some awesome pork chops, corn, bread and cake! I mandated to get a few bites of each in. (shocking I know). It was nice to be able to see them, even if we couldnt make it to dinner. I always enjoy our weekly catch up meals. Its a family tradition that we love.

So on our agenda today? Not sure. Im trying to take it an hour at a time as of right now.

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