I learned a valuable lesson early this morning. Dont cuddle the baby after midnight. He woke up at around 3 am from what I describe as a bad dream. I cuddled him, got him some milk then rocked him to sleep. He was soooo cuddly I just sat there for the next 3 hours holding him. This was my first mistake. At 6 am the little gremlin woke up, and became a holy terror. Im not sure what happened, but my crib baby did not sleep well. The rest of today he was a little crazy angry baby. Never again will I cuddle after midnight! :) Okay quick cuddles then back to the crib.
Everything else has been okay today. I had some extra energy this morning but that quickly disappeared. By noon I started to feel odd (best description). I just felt like something wasnt right. I still feel that way now. Its like Im dizzy, shaky, tired, and weak all at the same time. It just hit like a ton of bricks. Very odd feeling. I mean Ive felt tired this time, and my last rounds of radiation this is just a different feeling though. Im still having vision issues, and appetite issues so that hasnt changed. The good news is my last round of radiation is tomorrow! Woo hooo!!! Im excited for my head to be angry red, and burned. Lets start the healing process. I cannot describe how my head feels. Burning, flaky, bald, and always cold. It hurts to even lay on a pillow. I cannot explain how glad I will be to be able to sleep comfortably again.
For now Im curled up in my recliner, trying to get some rest. Eric is keeping a close eye on me due to my 'odd' feeling that something isnt quite right. Im sure Im fine, and just feeling the side effects of my daily brain punch. But one cant be too safe when it comes to this.
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