Everyone has heard the statement that laughter heals. I totally believe this is true. (along with happy frame of mind etc. ) Laughter does help heal. That said having a 14 month old kid in the house can be challenging at times. Im a stay at home mom/cancer patient/wife. Im blessed that my husband works the evening shift so hes able to help me during the day, and Elliot is asleep most of the time hes gone. (so I really only have a few hours by myself with the kid) All that said sometimes Elliot can be a challenge. Lately his new trick is climbing on anything he can. So we are always having to watch him. Even in a baby proofed room, he can find something to climb ex. Toy box, rocking airplane, the dog....
Today, Elliot decided to share his snack with the dog. Normally, we dont feed the dog people food. I really had a hard time telling little man "no" when it was such a sweet 'boy and his dog' moment. I actually started laughing when he emptied his entire snack bowl because feeding goldfish one at a time was too slow. :) For your enjoyment I did manage to snap a few pictures of the two.
Moral of my post...even feeling crummy finding joy/laughter in the little things helps.
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