August 29, 2013

Nurse Called Back

So the nurse called me back, late this afternoon. They moved up one of my scans to tomorrow, and added a new scan. Apparently they are worried that my arm always hurts, and randomly goes numb. (yeah yeah shouldve called sooner) They are going to do a MRI of my brain, and an mri of my spinal cord. The MRI will show the brain tumors I have, and what the radiation has/hasnt done. They added the spinal cord as to see if there are tumors there. That would answer the question as to why my arm hurts, goes numb etc.

The good news is we will get an earlier glimpse of what my brain looks like after zappage. (5 days earlier than expected!wooo hop!) Bad news is we still have to wait for my whole body pet scan. (which will show any new tumor growth anywhere else). Bad news again is the spinal cord deal. Not sure what they are going to do if its traveled there. The likely-hood is higher since its already in my brain, and fluid around my brain. Im hoping and praying that is not the case. So many variables....

They plan on having the scans read to us tomorrow. We will know the results same day, which is helpful. So I go in bright and early, and (fingers crossed) will know by noon whats up. The spinal scan will last over an hour alone. Then the 45 minute brain MRI. Maybe I can get a nap in during the scans!

So until tomorrow.....Then I will post what news we have. Good night!

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