August 6, 2013

I gave up.

Hair loss is a messy business. My hair didnt start out very long, but 3 days of hair falling finally drove me nuts. I swore that Id just let it fall but by about 1 pm today I gave up. I was walking around leaving clumps of hair places. One short trip to the bathroom left a giant bald spot/ donut ring on my head. Like the dome still had hair, but everything else was missing. (lovely mental picture) so I gave up. I called mom. "Please bring the hair clipper ASAP!" She arrived within 15 minutes, toting a black bag. The 3 of us got down to business. Eric, mom and I very delicately started to cut off the remaining hair. (there really wasnt much left)

Now if you remember my scalp is burned. It feels like its on fire. So we couldnt take all the hair left off. You can see where the radiation has caused baby butt smoothness on many many spots all over. However, there are still a few spots shedding. So very very soon my entire head will be like we took a straight razor to it, when we didnt. Right now if my head is touched (ouch) you leave with tiny hairs all over your hand. Yes, its still falling, but its not in giant clumps. Im not nearly as covered in hair. The other perk is Im not leaving accidently hair around for Elliot to find. (worse than owning a shedding golden retriever! )

Elliot didnt know what to think. He took a nap then woke up to a momma with no hair. He was a bit shy, then finally crawled into my lap and started petting my head. After that acceptance! yay!

So yes, I gave up. Screw it. We knew it was all falling out. Not gracefully. My scalp blatantly shows it. I just couldnt handle the feeling of being covered in hair, and multiple outfit changes.

Now its midnight and I cant sleep. Stupid steroids, and tender head. Even a pillow touching me is too much to handle right now. Guess its another sleepless night.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cassandra, It was great to see you again a couple of days ago! Just want you to know that Debbie and I are extremely proud of you! The way you are fighting this monster head on is amazing! Please let us know if we can do anything to help. We are totally behind you on this and think about you all the time. Example: on our recent motorcycle trip, I was wearing a new helmet that was too tight. After 20 minutes my head would hurt and it made me think of you and everything you are going through. Right there on the motorcycle with intercoms we prayed for you. You are an amazing Lady. Keep up the strong fight! We love you. Uncle John
