March 1, 2014

Well thats fun...

I had my scans done yesterday. I have a love/hate relationship with scan day. I love the idea of getting info on whats going on inside my body, but I hate fasting and getting poked all day. During my CT scan a plastic part of my iv broke and sprayed contrast fluid all over me and the machine. (lovely) They weren't sure how much contrast actually went in before breaking so I wasn't allowed another dose. The other part is for 25-48 hours I become radioactive. Its bad enough the nurse can't even stay in the room for the first 45 minutes after being injected. So that means once home, loads of water and no being near baby for 24 hours or more.

So we should find out monday what the results are. Until then we are trying to keep our minds off of it. Luckily its easy to do. My husband woke up sick, Ive got the sniffles, so we are trying to let him rest. All the while I watch the baby. Luckily Elliot doesn't want to cuddle, but prefers to play by himself today. (I lucked out) Thats it for now, Im going to go crazy disinfecting my house. Lysol here I come! (Elliot just went down for his morning nap…Eric can nap, I can clean! )

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