March 18, 2014

Day at a time

Well today its easier to get in and out of bed. Ive been walking the house too. I even managed to do half a load of laundry. The bending over is what kills me. Ouch! They had told me to either remove the bandages or let them just come off. Whatever I wanted. Well, I removed them. I discovered once again, Im allergic to the adhesive on band aids. Add blisters to my wounds. I have 7 incisions the doctor did, and now multiple blisters where the bandages were. Go me.

My appetite still isn't back. Im eating like a bird. Which is the diet my doc has me on. To be fair I don't feel like eating much other than his diet. I see food and it just reminds me of all the holes in my stomach and kinda wince.

I have an appointment with my oncologist tomorrow. Im sure they will want to start radiation on  my leg asap, or something similar. I wanted to wait a bit to heal before messing with daily visits to radiation. I know it seems others have the theory that I need to start therapy asap. I just am worn out. Im not even 1 week  out from surgery, can't sleep laying down, and can hardly walk. But they want to start treatment. I just feel like I need a week or two of healing before we start damaging another part of my body. The side effects aren't bad for just the leg, but still. I feel like my body would heal better if I give it a few days in between.

Either way Ill see what the doc has to say tomorrow and let y'all know what I come up with. Well what WE come up with.. Ill let everyone know.

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