January 15, 2014

Rough Nights

Once again getting meds under control is an art form. Just enough to be pain free, sleep, but also be able to function. Sheesh…so much to ask for. That said last night was rough for me. I was sleepy but had to keep getting up thinking I was going to be ill. (luckily all is good now). I just have that residual still tired from not sleeping. ….the endless cycle. Ive been relaxing all day to at least try to get some of that energy back. Seems like Im a broken record most days. Oh well….

Todays been good over all though. Elliot has suddenly decided to start talking up a storm. The newest phrase is "oh boy!". He said that when we opened the door yesterday for the nurse. He has me cracking up. Other times he's really really really trying to say something, and the fact we can't understand what he's saying frustrates the heck of him. What he's spitting out of his mouth daily amuses and scares me a bit. All too soon he's going to be chatting our ears off. (I know I know….Im a talker myself payback for all the times I did this to my parents) but hey he's sweet. 

I really did luck out with an easy going baby. Yes he's a climber, but overall he's been an easy baby. Which is what we neededed at this time in our lives. A lower key child to be able to handle chaos well. He's not shy, maybe cautious, but not shy by any stretch. He does well at doctors offices and other 'grown up situations'. Im sure many people initially dread seeing us walk in, but then  end up surprised. I do feel we can take him just about anywhere. That said, we are hitting that 2 yr old stage. His stubborn moments have us taking a deep breath or 10, and realize he's a baby. lol. 

But back to me… :). Im taking today to relax sit here, randomly napping and trying to keep off my feet. These new meds make me loopy or high as a kite. I will say its a nice change of pace to the pain option. For now? Im going to try to take a cat nap before I get distracted again.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cassie. This is Shirley again, friend of your grandparents. You, my dear girl, are in our prayers and thoughts constantly. We were in the car with your granny when you called her about having lunch. You cant believe how excited she was! What a blessing for you all to be able to eat together & share precious moments. She is still talking about what a great time you had.
    I love reading about your little Elliott. He sounds adorable. It has been a very long time, but I remember when our kids went thru those stages. Now we have adorable grandkids & what a blessing they are! Our daughter taught her kiddos quite a bit of sign language before they could talk & it really helped them to not e so frustrated. We loved watching them communicate that way & were surprised to see how fast they learned it. They found some baby sign language sites on the web so it was easy.
    Tell your hubby & family we are praying for them too. You have such a loving family!
    May God bless you hon. I am sending you hugs & love because I feel I know you thru your wonderful grandparents. I pray you can rest in His love.
