January 21, 2014

Its a bird! Its a plane! Nope…Its a flying Mommy!

So I managed one whammy of a fall a few days agao. Before the panic sets in, it had nothing to do with the tumors, cancer, dizzying effects of the drugs of the cancer….this was caused by one very very handful of a little boy. 

My son is a climber. Ive never seen a toddler climb the way he does, so its a constant watchful eye, and new baby proofing methods. (he figures ways around things quickly) For those that have seen him in action understand, that all Eric and I do all day is constantly make sure this kid isn't trying to take a flying leap off something new. You can turn around and he will be standing on the coffee table. Or trying to throw himself fro the recliner to the lamp. His newest thing is wanting to try to climb into the recliner, stand there, then try to climb over the back of it to freedom. There is a baby gate back there so that he cannot go into the kitchen. (allows safety for the kid, and a safe place for my dog to run to).

Back tot the story….I was standing there next to the recliner about to sit down and play with the kid. Eric was a room away. Next thing I know I see a baby flying, so I run over to catch. I catch the baby, and sorta push him aside safely. I get the brut tram of the fall. I slide thru the baby gate and onto the tile face first. I landed quite literally on my face. I learned that mommies don't bounce. :).

There is sit. Trying to access the situation. Elliot unhurt but crying, me hurt and crying, but trying to see if I can get up before Eric comes back and panics. The situation ended up as such, I had a bloody nose, a slightly blackened eye or two, and a bruised knee. This morning my robe hurt, but nothing is broken. Ive taken plenty of falls in my day, but man this one hurt. Im very lucky that I didn't get hurt or hurt the baby. Eric came straight to my side, picked us up, cleaned us up and got us all put back together again. Granted…that has meant an entirely new headache for me  now. Now my face hurts lol. 

This is one of those things that can happen to any care giver of a small child. Mine is just pushing his boundaries. Luckily for for it scared him enough he hunt tried it agin. I do have a climber on my hands though. So clock is a ticking as to where his next stunt will be preformed….he has been determined to try to ride the dog longer or leaping the coffee table to couch. More baby proofing is in order!!! Im almost determined to remove all furniture from my house. Toddlers….always keeping us on our toes. 

(DISCLAIMER) (even though I fell we are relatively un hurt) We monior him like a hawk. I have baby gates and baby proofing done, but as many can attest if you have a cliber they will find their way over or around what you put in place. Our system is evolving. We do say no, and we do time out, and he knows the words "No" and "On your Bottom!" but they call them the terrible 2's for  reason I believe that is a test of wills and boundaries. What WILL they let me do, and how long before they give up. Eric and I refuse to the the kid win at this new game of his. So we are up,  on the move blocking shots until this passes. Prayers for our sanity are welcome. 

Sitting inside the toy boy, in front of the gate I fell over/thru. The gate was locked at the time. 


  1. He's looking like, "Wha...I'm just sitting here Mommy, being all innocent." It would have scared me out of my skin to see that happen to the both of you. I love you sweetie....No flying today, OK:)

  2. Sounds like my grandson two years old when he was. Climbing, jumping and running. Benita,s sister.
