November 18, 2013


I woke up this morning feeling horrible. I felt as if I had been hit in the head with a sledgehammer, and my stomach coulnt be trusted. I crossed my fingers hoping that since I was late on taking my meds, this was the result. NOPE. Hours later still feeling horrible. Talking makes me want to hurl. Standing up and walking kills my head and tummy. That said, Ive spent the day in bed. I try to get up to even get cleaned up a bit, and have to sit back down asap. I finally realized that my physical therapy appointment just wasn't going to happen today. So I called to cancel it. Ill reschedule it for a time I don't feel terrible.

Now that the pressure is off (no pt) Ive been able to nap without worry of oversleeping. I managed to eat a half a muffin for lunch. (I slept thru breakfast). I realized I need to get a 'breakfast in bed tray'. I always thought they were frivolous, but now Im beginning to see the perks. My next trip to the store may result in a new tray for me. :)

I have to get to feeling better soon. We planned our trip to Branson for friday. Well, one of 2 trips friday. I wanted to go see the old time christmas at silver dollar city. That alone is an all day event. Ill be in my wheelchair for the trip, as there is no possible way I can walk that much. Im just excited to even have the option to go. Just days ago there was no way I could go, as I couldn't even potty without assistance. Granted, with me everything is a tentative plan until how we see what I feel like on said day.

So thats whats up with me. Sick today. Feeling pretty miserable. My lovely tumors reminding me they are still there….

On a lighter note, Elliot said "turtle" today. He saw a ninja turtle and he pointed and goes "turtle!" That was a fun moment. We then proceeded to color the turtle pink. :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Cassie, I'm so sorry you felt so bad yesterday. Maybe today will be a better day. We'll say a special prayer for you today at Bible Study.
    Love, Gayle
