November 1, 2013

Happy Halloween (day after)

We spent Halloween with my sister-in-law, my sister and their kids. Between everyone we had Amelia Erhart, Rosie the Riviter, Hermionie, Capitan America and a ninja turtle in attendance. Pizza and candy woo hook. I even managed to eat a piece! I was planning on taking my wheelchair and going with the kids door to door, but that didn't happen. By the time dinner was over I was too tired to move from the recliner. So I slept in the recliner while the kids went door to door.

I was just so exhausted I couldn't move. Ill admit I was in tears. I was too tired to even walk out to the car. Eric basically had to carry me, I stumbled once and actually did break out into tears. Sometimes its just too much. On the bright side, the reason I was so tired is that Im working hard on my physical therapy so my legs are more shaky than normal. So the bright side is that it means my therapy is working! (stinks about my being tired).

So here are some pictures from last night.


  1. Ellitt is a little cutie!!! You know what they say about therapy---no pain, no gain, so this means you are getting somewhere. I'll just be glad when you can eat those pumpkin M & M's. It's a beautiful day so enjoy every minute of it. I love you. Gayle Bramall

  2. Your little guy is a cutie ! So sorry you got so worn out but hey it was getting late and you had a big day ! Hang in there you are better !
