November 11, 2013

Another Monday

Today we went to the ENT doc. (what fun) He basically told us what we already knew. Im still healing, and the ulcer in my mouth is still there but looking better. He did however notify us that my thrush is back. ICK….and wrote me a new script for the liquid thrush med. Stinks, seems like I can't get rid of this stupid thrush. Im always fighting it.

I spent yesterday in bed. I'm still not 100%. I have some theories on why I don't feel well. I think me battling the thrush has my body going wonders. It likely means Im fighting something bigger. That said we are forcing me to rest. Ive just been spending my time actually in bed napping why I can.

I went ahead and had PT today. Not to brag but……I did awesome!!! I did some pretty hard new excesses and did them better than they expected. My pt girl was super impressed. Heck I was impressed. My strength is really starting to come back. Its really more noticeable when doing my pt. Its really exciting to watch (or it is for me). That said, this stuff isn't easy. Im exhausted after my pt sessions. I get a day to recover then we do it all again!

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there, girl. You have lots of prayers going up for you. I love you and hope you feel better soon. Gayle Bramall
