November 6, 2013

All Around Blahs

Yesterday was just a blah day for the Schmit house. None of us felt really well (I think we ate something bad) so we put everything off and had a pj day. I napped 90% of the day away, and woke with a massive headache. Problem with me napping? I don't sleep at night. So low and behold last night I didn't sleep well. Good news is seems like we are all feeling better this morning.

So I finally did it! I managed to get up out of the chair without assistance!! (granted it takes me sitting on a pillow, but its a win) My core strength is improving!!! Ive also been able to get up now a little over 75% of the time now off the potty. (this is a HUGE deal for me) My legs are still very weak, but already the pt is working! Im finally starting to get strength back. Granted its likely one reason I'm so tired lately.

My appetite is good. Im able to eat pretty much anything I want. Chocolate still burns my mouth, but I tend to eat it anyway in small quantities :) I can't let those M&Ms go to waste! My lips and other blisters are healing pretty good as well. The bottoms of my feet are almost completely healed. They still hurt in a few places but nothing a soft pair of socks or my uggs can't handle. So far its been an okay week. Today we have pt again, and next week we see the doctor for a checkup. Im excited at the prospect of next week with how far Ive come in this short time.

1 comment:

  1. Cassie I am so sorry you are not feeling so strong today. That's okay. Through His grace, Jesus has enough strength for the two of you. Pray and receive His power in exchange for your weakness. I love you, and pray you have a better day. Granny B.
