December 31, 2012

New Years

2012 has been an interesting year for me and my family. My brother in law got married and added his lovely wife to our family. My son, Elliot, was born. Then my Melanoma was found. A person could easily focus on the bad here. I choose instead to focus on the positive. I have a beautiful baby boy, and wonderful extended family. Now as I try to look to the future I wonder what 2013 will bring us. I have a slew of appointments (all cancer related), cut Im also looking at the positive. Elliot will walk and talk in 2013 (crazy!!). I hope for myself to be 'healthier'. I say healthier as the fight will continue. I dont want to say the typical "I plan on starting a diet/ workout routine" or something like that. I more want to say that I plan on attempting to fight this from all battle fronts. I want to eat healthier, and start to attempt to walk more. For me doing the dishes is a challenge on the physical portion. Just standing that long means a nap. So when I say I want to try to walk, it means maybe to get the mail and back at this time. Point is, I want to try to get my strength up any way possible. 

So as of right now, the important dates for 2013 for me are the following-

Jan 10th- Pet Scan, MRI, and Lab work. PET scan will light up all cancer in my body. We see if anything has grown since my last scan. MRI will be of my brain to also see if there are any new masses. PET scan is hard on me. Im radioactive for 24 hours. That said they wont allow me to hold or be near Elliot for 24 hours after the scan. I have to remain a 'couch length' away.

Jan 15th- Oncologist appointment with results of the scans.

Jan 16th- First Yerboy IV treatment. Crossing fingers that I respond well! This is to treat the stuff in my lungs, and anywhere else we find pesky cancer cells.

So heres to 2013. A new year. I hope you all have a safe New years eve.

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