December 21, 2012


On my holiday list this year I was determined to see the lights at the square. Every year they light it up, have camel rides, ponies, hot chocolate and make it special. I kept putting it off out of sheer exhaustion. Finally, we got our act together sucked it up and went.

Elliot screamed the first 5 minutes of the car ride (not like him at ALL). So we stopped, figured out he was bunched up in the car seat awkward, re-adjusted then went on our way. We get half way there and realize 'oops! parking meter money'. Luckily for us we managed to find a spot that was free...whew.

Off we go! Lights for christmas in 60 degree weather. (not very christmasy) The square wasnt very full. We managed to make our rounds. Elliot loved looking at the lights. Very happy little dude. Not as spectacular as I remember from previous years, but it was nice.

After all that, (dinner ended up ruined. The meal for some reason just didn't turn out) We stopped and got a chocolate shake from Wends, fries, and called it a night. (remind you its 60 out, just couldn't fathom the hot chocolate)

The mommy could hardly make it 2 laps in the square. lol. Radiation sure takes it out of a girl. Still on the downhill slope. Supposed to deal another 4 weeks of exhaustion, then itll get better.  For now baby steps.

Once again, thank you for everything everyones done. Someone anonymously left us a gift card the other day. The sheer generosity of people amazes me. I cannot say thank you enough, and have been very humbled by the outpouring of love.

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